Terms and Conditions

LookSee by Standard Bank

Platform Terms and Conditions

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Standard Bank) is a licensed financial services provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act and a registered credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act, registration number NCRCP15.

The LookSee platform allows users to connect to their communities and local businesses to support and strengthen their homes and communities. “Adding a property” is available to a user who owns a property and allows a user to add the property to his/her profile. The user thereafter has access to insights to protect and improve the value of his/her property.

Community and Marketplace allow users to interact with their respective communities and to access a range of products and services for their homes, to improve or protect the value of their homes as well as reduce or maximise running costs.


1.1 Thank you for visiting our platform. Before you go further, you must read, understand and agree to the terms for using the platform (terms), which are contained in this document and the Privacy statement which can be accessed on our website (www.standardbank.co.za).
1.2 These terms apply when you access the platform for the first time and each time thereafter. They are a binding legal agreement between you and Standard Bank. You must know, understand and comply with these terms.
1.3 Before you can use our platform, you must register with us. We require your name,surname and e-mail address for the registration process. We may accept or reject your registration to access the platform.
1.4 Separate terms and conditions may apply to solutions. If additional terms apply, you may be required to accept these additional terms before you can register for or access a specific solution.
1.5 These terms may be updated from time to time and the most recent version of the terms will apply to you each time you access the platform. You agree to read these terms each time you access the platform. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, do not access or use the platform.
1.6 Words and terminology are used in these terms exactly as defined. The definitions section can be found at the end of the terms.


2.1 All information you provide, whether during registration, in the Marketplace, in the Community or elsewhere on the platform must be complete and accurate and must not be misleading nor must it (to the best of your knowledge) contain any material omissions that are not disclosed.
2.2 You understand and accept that the “Add your Property” functionality is only available to users who own the respective property. You may not add a property that does not belong to you.
2.3 We and any agent acting on our behalf reserve the right to verify any information you have provided at any time.
2.4 You warrant that, if you provide third-party information, it will not breach the thirdparty’s intellectual property rights or right to confidentiality.


3.1 All information on this platform (whether provided by us or by a third party) is provided "as is". This means you should use it for information purposes only and you should not rely on it solely. You should always seek the advice of a professional adviser before acting on any information on this platform.
3.2 We do not control information provided by third parties and do not warrant or guarantee that it is correct or suitable for anything.
3.3 Any information that is, by its nature, an estimate or a prediction of future performance may not reflect actual events or results and it should not be viewed as a certainty. We cannot be held directly or indirectly responsible for any loss that may result from your reliance on any information on it.
3.4 All current news, market information and data shown on our Platform are delayed unless we tell you otherwise.
3.5 Information sent over the Internet, including by email, can be stopped during transmission, seen or changed. We are not responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer if your information is stopped during transmission, seen or changed. To limit risk, we may check any information you send or provide using our platform and you hereby  give us your consent to do so.


4.1 We do not charge you any fees for using the platform. We may change this or charge other fees (or add features or functions) at our discretion. We will tell you about this before we do it.
4.2 Standard data costs will be charged when you register for the platform and every time  when you access the platform. These costs are charged by your internet service provider or mobile phone operator. Any questions related to your data costs must be sent to your internet service provider or mobile phone operator.


When you access this platform or any solution, you agree to the following:
5.1 The posting of any defamatory, abusive, profane, offensive, illegal or threatening material is strictly prohibited.
5.2 This platform is intended to be safe and helpful. This means that everyone is treated equally and with respect, regardless of any defining characteristic. Defining characteristics include religious preferences, race, ethnicity, disability, experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, personal appearance, race,  ethnicity, age, religion and nationality.
5.3 Opinions expressed are the opinions of the user expressing them. Standard Bank is not responsible for and does not endorse any information or opinion expressed by a user.
5.4 You must treat everyone fairly and equally. You agree to avoid any behaviour that could be construed as discrimination.
5.5 No harassment is allowed on this platform and you agree that you will not intimidate  anyone.


6.1 Your login information may only be used by you and may not be shared with anyone else.
6.2 We may terminate your access to the platform and suspend your status as a registered user at any time for any reason.
6.3 We have the right to change or discontinue (temporarily or permanently) the platform (or any part of it). We may also limit certain services, features or functions, and we may restrict access to all or parts of the platform.
6.4 We will not be liable for any loss or damage that you may incur as a result of action taken in terms of this clause.


7.1 We aim to keep the platform and associated services available and running. However, all online services suffer occasional disruptions and outages. We will not be liable for a disruption in access to the platform, regardless of the cause of the disruption.
7.2 You must use and update hardware and software (computer equipment and programs) suitable for this platform and for any solutions. If you do not, the platform may not  work properly, which could decrease functionality and prevent your access to the platform.
7.3 If we offer any software to you on or through our platform, the licence agreement is between you and the software licensor (owner). We do not warrant that any software is of good quality or suitable for its purpose.
7.4 We apply certain security controls to protect the platform from unauthorised access. However, the internet is an unsecure public network and there is always a risk that your communications or transactions can be seen, stopped during transmission or changed by third parties. There is also a risk of certain files containing computer viruses, spyware, malware, disabling codes, worms or other devices or defects. By using the platform, you acknowledge and accept these risks.


8.1 All authorised persons warrant the authority to access and, where applicable, sign up for the platform and solutions.
8.2 The authorised person binds the organisation that they represent, to these terms. An organisation is responsible for the actions of its authorised person/s.
8.3 If you are (or purport to be) an authorised person, you warrant that you have authority and capacity to act on behalf of your organisation and you agree that your organisation will be bound by your actions.
8.4 It is the responsibility of the organisation and/ or the authorised person to advise us if any authorised person is no longer authorised to access this site and/ or represent the organisation.
8.5 You warrant to us that you are legally capable of agreeing to these Terms.


9.1 Any newsfeed and insights that we provide on our platform are sourced from external websites, and/or put together by third parties and provided for information purposes only and you should view any news or article in the newsfeed in this light.
9.2 We do not write or endorse the articles or reports contained in any newsfeed or insight, and none of the views or opinions expressed in an article or report are ours.
9.3 You may not use, aggregate, create a link to, or reproduce any portion of a newsfeed or insight without our prior written consent and you may not do anything that breaches our rights or the rights of any third party in respect of any news or article in the newsfeed or insight, including the breach or infringement of any copyright which vests in us or any third party under any applicable law.
9.4 We are not liable for any loss or damage you may suffer or incur that is in any way related to any article or report published as part of a newsfeed or insight.


10.1 You consent to receive communication from us and the third party service providers on the solutions you choose.
10.2 You consent to receive contractual, notice and/or legal communications from us in an electronic form through the email address you supplied for registration.
10.3 You agree that the terms, any other agreements, terms and conditions, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were duly executed on paper.
10.4 We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by any delay in the delivery of or failure to deliver any email or other communication for any reason.
10.5 Communications made by email to Standard Bank or on the platform or the third party service provider’s system will not constitute legal notice to Standard Bank or any of its officers, employees, agents or representatives in any situation where notice to Standard Bank is required by contract or any law or regulation. Legal notice to Standard Bank must be in writing, marked for the attention of Head: Legal and Head: Digital, eCommerce and Housing Platforms, served by hand at 5 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg, South Africa during ordinary business hours Monday to Friday.


11.1 We own all Intellectual Property rights in our platform, solutions, where applicable, and all content published on them. Even if any content on our platform is not confidential information or if there is Intellectual Property rights in it, it is (or is deemed to be) owned by us (or by a third party if one is identified) and you have no rights in it unless you have entered into an agreement with us or that third party that expressly provides that you have such rights.
11.2 The trademarks on our platform are our registered and unregistered trademarks or those of other parties. You may not use our trademarks and any other Intellectual Property or that of a third-party without prior written permission from us.
11.3 “Intellectual Property” means works of copyright, trade marks (statutory and common law), patentable inventions, patents, protectable design subject matter, designs and domain names including applications, registrations and unregistered forms of any of these, all other intellectual property rights (registered or unregistered) and the right to apply for all or any of these.
11.4 User Generated Content is content uploaded by users as opposed to content already available on the platform. We do not check user uploaded/created content for appropriateness, violations of copyright, trademarks, or other rights. The user uploading/creating such content is solely responsible for it and the consequences of using, disclosing, storing, or transmitting it. By uploading to, or creating content on, the platform, you warrant that you own or have obtained all rights, licenses, consents, permissions, power and/or authority, necessary to use and/or upload such content. You further warrant that such content on the platform does not and shall not (a) infringe or violate any intellectual property, data protection or publicity rights of any third party; (b) violate any applicable laws; and (c) violate any third party’s policies and terms of service. We invite everyone to report violations together with proof of ownership as appropriate to [email protected]. Content that has been reported may be removed or disabled.


12.1 Your access to this platform and acceptance of these terms means you agree to provide Standard Bank with a non-exclusive, fully paid-up, irrevocable, perpetual and worldwide licence to reproduce and use all information provided, including any third-party material, for the purposes of the platform, which may include analysis and promotion.
12.2 If you provide us with any comments, suggestions or other feedback regarding the platform (collective, the “Feedback”), you will be deemed to have granted us an exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid up, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide ownership rights in the Feedback. We are under no obligation to implement any Feedback we may receive from users.
12.3 Specific licence conditions may apply to solutions and will be contained in the solution terms and conditions.


13.1 We treat personal information according to our privacy statement. This privacy statement is aligned with the law on collecting, sharing, using and protecting personal information.
13.2 Personal information is information about a person or entity (known as a juristic person). This includes information about their:
13.2.1 name if it appears with other personal information relating to them or if the disclosure of their name itself would reveal information about them;
13.2.2 telephone number; email, postal or physical address; location;
13.2.3 race, nationality, ethnic or social origin, colour; culture; language; birth;
13.2.4 marital status, sexual orientation, gender, sex, pregnancy;
13.2.5 age; biometric information;
13.2.6 physical or mental health; well-being; disability; medical history;
13.2.7 religion; conscience; belief; personal opinions; views or preferences and the views or opinions of another individual about them;
13.2.8 education; financial or employment history; account-related information;
13.2.9 criminal history;
13.2.10 any identifying number, symbol, any online identifier; any other particular assignment to them;
13.2.11 correspondence sent by them that is implicitly or explicitly private or confidential; or further correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence.
13.3 You must keep your personal information private and secure
13.3.1 You must look after your personal information at all times. You are responsible if you give any personal information to an unauthorised third party and that information is compromised.
13.3.2 We are not responsible for any losses or damage that you experience if you give your passwords, PIN numbers, one-time passwords (OTPs), and other access codes to a third-party. This includes your use of third-party methods that promise to make payments immediately.
13.4 About processing information
13.4.1 Processing information means any operation or activity (automated or not) concerning personal information, including:
13.4.2 receiving, collecting, collating, organising, recording, storing, retrieving;
13.4.3 using, consulting;
13.4.4 disseminating, transmitting, distributing or making available in any other form;
13.4.5 linking, merging, modifying, altering, updating;
13.4.6 blocking, destroying, erasing, degrading;
13.5 You give your consent to us and the third party service providers on the platform, to collect your personal information (which may include your first name, surname, email address, physical address, identity number telephone and bank account number (if necessary for a refund) from you and where lawful and reasonable, from public sources for credit, fraud and compliance purposes, and to process it for the purposes set out below.
13.6 If you give us personal information about or on behalf of another person (including, but not limited to, account signatories, shareholders, principal executive officers, trustees and beneficiaries), you confirm that you are authorised to: (a) give us the personal information; (b) consent on their behalf to the processing of their personal information, specifically any cross-border transfer of personal information into and outside the country where the solutions are provided; and (c) receive any privacy notices on their behalf.
13.7 Your consent for processing personal information: You give your consent to us to process your personal information:
13.7.1 to offer solutions to you in terms of this agreement and any other solutions for which you may require;
13.7.2 to carry out statistical and other analyses to identify potential markets and trends, evaluate and improve our business (this includes improving existing and developing new solutions);
13.7.3 in countries outside the country where the solutions are provided. These countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country where the solutions are provided. Where we can, we will ask the receiving party to agree to our privacy policies;
13.7.4 by sharing your personal information in the Marketplace, in the Community forum and with our third-party service providers. We ask people who provide solutions on our platform to agree to our privacy policies if they need access to any personal information to carry out their obligations; and
13.7.5 within the Standard Bank group of companies (Standard Bank Group Limited, its subsidiaries and their subsidiaries).
13.8 Your personal information will only be processed for the purposes set out in 13.7.


14.1 The solutions on our platform are offered by third-party service providers. The solutions are offered through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) which is a set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of applications that access the features of or data from an operating system, application or other service.
14.2 You expressly agree that your information may be shared with a third party.
14.3 You acknowledge that Standard Bank provides the platform on which the third-party service providers offer solutions to the users and is not responsible or liable for the actions and omissions of the third-party service providers.
14.4 TradeSafe is an online third-party payments service provider that manages payments on behalf of solutions providers on the platform. All payments to be made to solutions providers will be facilitated by TradeSafe. Please visit www.tradesafe.co.za for further information.
14.5 4-Sure Technology Solutions is a third-party service provider offering solutions on the platform. Please visit www.4-sure.net for further information. The 4-Sure terms and conditions can be found here:


15.1 Internal We have put links from certain provisions in our Terms to other information that may apply to you (hyperlinks). They are found in words that are in blue and underlined. You must read any links that apply to you and that reference a policy or an agreement because they form part of these Terms. We will not require you to provide personal information or your personal banking information via these hyperlinks.
15.2 External
15.2.1 You may not establish a hyperlink, frame, metatag or similar reference, whether electronically or otherwise to our platform without our prior written consent, which consent is at our sole discretion.
15.2.2 If you breach these provisions, we may take immediate legal action without advance notice to you.


16.1 Your use of the platform depends on factors beyond our control, such as the network coverage or availability of your mobile network operator. We are not responsible and cannot be blamed for any loss you may suffer if you cannot access the platform because of this.
16.2 We will make every effort to ensure that there are no defects in platform. Should there be any defects with the platform, these should be brought to our attention.
16.3 Information on the platform is provided "as is" and we will not be responsible for any loss that you may suffer if you rely on it.
16.4 We are not legally responsible for any loss or damages you may suffer relating to your use of the platform. This includes, without limitation, any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, whether arising out of contract, statute, delict or otherwise and regardless of whether we were expressly advised of the possibility of such loss or damage (Losses).
16.5 We will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever (including consequential loss or indirect loss) arising out of or in connection with any use of or reliance on the platform and any solution and any API and for any loss that arises from, among other things:
16.5.1 any technical or other problem (interruption, malfunction, downtime or other failure) that affects the platform, our system, a third-party system or any part of any database for any reason;
16.5.2 any defect, fault, malfunction and/or delay in the device that you use to access the platform;
16.5.3 your use of any device, including any lack of attention to your surroundings resulting from such use;
16.5.4 any third party content available via the platform;
16.5.5 any losses or damages arising from or in connection with the information and/or solutions provided via the platform;
16.5.6 any personal information or other data that is directly or indirectly lost or damaged due to technical problems with the platform, power failures, unlawful acts (such as data theft), any harmful computer program or virus, or your own negligence;
16.5.7 any interruption, malfunction, downtime or other failure of services provided by third parties, including, without limitation, telecommunication service providers, mobile device operators, internet service providers, Wi-Fi providers, electricity suppliers, local authorities and certification authorities;
16.5.8 any event over which we have no direct control.


17.1 You must comply with all applicable laws.
17.2 You must not use the platform to assist or benefit any sanctioned entity or be involved in any prohibited activities. Prohibited activities include:
17.2.1 any activities that do not comply with applicable laws;
17.2.2 terrorist activities or the financing of these activities;
17.2.3 illegal activities such as money laundering, bribery, tax evasion, corruption or fraud, including a payment that improperly advantages any person;
17.2.4 any activities that sanctions apply to. Sanctions are measures imposed or restrictions set by a sanctioning body, including diplomatic, travel, trade or financial sanctions or embargoes.
17.3 Sanctioning bodies include the European Union (EU), Her Majesty’s Treasury (HMT), the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry (France) (MINEFI), the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Department of Treasury of the United States of America (OFAC), the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), and any other sanctioning body that we recognise.
17.4 You must not engage with entities that are sanctioned.
17.5 A sanctioned entity is person, organisation or country to which sanctions apply or that is listed on a list published by a sanctioning body (sanctions list), including:
17.5.1 A country that is on a sanctions list, its ministries, departments and agencies and any other governmental organisations.
17.5.2 Any person who owns or controls a juristic person (for example, a company, trust or organisation) that is on the sanctions list.
17.5.3 Any person who is owned by or controlled by a juristic person that is on the sanctions list.
17.5.4 In this context: ‘owns’ means holding any percentage of ownership or beneficial interest; and ‘controls’ means the ability to control the business or policy of the juristic person, whether directly or indirectly, through the voting of shares, by appointing directors or by any other means.
17.6 You warrant that you are not a sanctioned entity or being investigated for any activities relating to sanctions. If you are being investigated for any activities relating to sanctions, you must let us know about this immediately and in writing.
17.7 If we know or suspect that you are in breach of this clause or that sanctions may be imposed on you, we may immediately:
17.7.1 cancel or suspend access to the platform or any solution;
17.7.2 cancel this agreement and any other relationship we have with you.
17.8 We are not responsible to you for any loss you suffer if we cancel your access to the platform, a solution and any other relationship we have with you.


19. We may stop you from using the platform or any solution offered on the platform if you do something that is against these platform terms, and do not make it right within five calendar days after we have asked you to. Even if you do make it right, we may still take steps against you, such as applying to court for an interdict (ban) or other order against you.


These terms are governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa and you agree to the jurisdiction of South Africa.


21.1 If you have a complaint/query about the platform, you can contact us at: [email protected].
21.2 We will try to resolve queries as quickly as possible, but there may be delays beyond our control because we sometimes have to rely on third parties.
21.3 If you still have a problem or if you are not happy with the way that it was resolved, you may contact the Ombudsman for Banking Services as follows: By telephone on 0860 800 900 or 011 838 0035.
By email at [email protected].
Through the website at http://www.obssa.co.za.


22.1 These terms contain the entire agreement between you and us. No addition to or variation, amendment or consensual cancellation of any part of these terms or any suspension of any right under these terms will be of any force or effect unless reduced to writing and signed by both you and us.
22.2 No waiver by us of any right under these terms will be effective unless reduced to writing and signed by us.
22.3 Certain provisions will survive termination of this agreement. These include ownership provisions, breach provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, confidentiality and limitations of liability. Our failure to enforce or to require the performance at any time of any of the provisions of these terms (including the provisions of this clause) must not be construed as a waiver of such provision and will not affect either the validity of these terms or any part thereof or any right we have to enforce the provisions of this Agreement.
22.4 If any clause in these terms is invalid or illegal or cannot be enforced, the other clauses will still be valid. You may not assign your rights and obligations under these terms, entirely or partially, to any third party without our prior written consent.


In these terms:
23.1 Singular words include the plural and vice versa, and a reference to the masculine gender includes the feminine and neutral genders and vice versa.
23.2 References to a person include any natural person, firm, company, corporation, legal entity, government, state or agency of a state or any association, trust or partnership (whether or not it has a separate legal personality) or two or more of the above.
23.3 The word "including”, and its other grammatical forms will not limit the general effect of the words that precede them and will be construed without any limitation.
23.4 Any construct in law that a contract be interpreted against the party drafting it, will not apply.
23.5 The headings to the clauses in these Terms are inserted for reference purposes only and do not influence the meaning or interpretation of those clauses.


24.1 Standard Bank or we, our or us means The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited. 
24.2 you and your refer to any user and the entity that the user represents on the platform.
24.3 agreement means any agreement entered into between any registered user and Standard Bank in connection with the platform where applicable.
24.4 applicable law means all laws of all relevant countries that apply to a user at any given time.
24.5 authority means the authority that an organisation provides to its employees and that allows these employees to access and use the content of the platform and all solutions offered on the platform.
24.6 confidential information means proprietary information that is by its nature regarded in law as confidential and that:
24.6.1 is designated as confidential;
24.6.2 is agreed in writing by you and us to be confidential; and/or
24.6.3 you or we know or ought to know is confidential.
24.7 It does not include information that is or may become public knowledge other than by breach of this agreement or any other confidentiality obligation.
24.8 consequential loss means any special or indirect loss that may be recoverable at law including:
24.8.1 any loss of income or revenue;
24.8.2 any loss of opportunity or goodwill;
24.8.3 any loss of profits;
24.8.4 any loss of anticipated savings or business;
24.8.5 any loss of value of any equipment;
24.8.6 punitive damages; and
24.8.7 indirect damages.
24.9 content includes information, data, documents, pages and images.
24.10 law means all applicable laws, legislation, regulations, statutes, by-laws, consents and other laws of any relevant governmental authority and any other instrument having the force of law that may be issued and in force from time to time in any relevant jurisdiction relating to the platform and the activities performed on it and/or to any solution or API accessed through it.
24.11 loss means loss, damage, cost or expense (to any person or property) including consequential loss.
24.12 registered user means any person who registers on the platform.
24.13 solution means a service or product that is offered by third party service providers on or through the platform and that a registered user may view, access, use, purchase or subscribe to.
24.14 user means any person accessing the platform and includes a registered user.
24.15 platform is the platform named “LookSee by Standard Bank” that we operate and includes all related pages.