Volunteering change lives find happiness
Article by: Kimberly Guest
Enhance your home life

Volunteering: Change lives and find happiness

Times are hard and many areas of our community are in desperate need of help. While financial support is always required and appreciated, volunteering your time can be of equal benefit.

Engaging in volunteer work does change lives and, according to experts, that includes yours. In fact, various research studies have identified that volunteering results in better mental and physical health, life satisfaction, self-esteem, happiness, lower depressive symptoms, reduced psychological distress, and decreased mortality and functional inability. Additionally, volunteer work can have career benefits as it expands your network, adds experience, helps you to build new skills and enables you to grow your CV as well as your potential.

Encouraging children to participate in volunteer efforts also offers considerable benefits for their physical activity and health as well as character, emotional and brain development. This includes life skills such as impulse control, ethics, independence, work ethic, cooperation, empathy, communication skills, coping mechanisms, sense of identity and self-esteem.

Find your passion

There are thousands of volunteering opportunities available, but how do you find the right option for you?

Take the time to consider the causes which mean the most to you. This could be children, the elderly, animals, the environment, community development and more. Once you know who or what you want to put your efforts into, you can consider which issues speak to you.

Engage for change

Now you know what you're passionate about, it is time to consider some of the activities you can become involved in. While this list is far from complete, it does offer a few ideas to get you started.

  • Hunger
    Many sectors of our community are suffering from hunger, leading to health and growth problems. There are many projects that combat this scourge including soup kitchens, school feeding schemes, meals for the elderly and more. These programmes are always in need of assistance with the preparation, delivery and serving of meals.
  • Childcare
    So many of our children are neglected or vulnerable and in desperate need of assistance and particularly attention. Many organisations would welcome volunteers that are able to spend quality time with the children whether it be providing cuddles for babies, story time for toddlers or entertainment and activities for older children.
  • Literacy
    South Africa's literacy levels point to a critical need for assistance in teaching both adults and children how to read and write. Join the drive to reduce illiteracy by becoming a teacher, mentor, leader or participant in reading groups. Or invest your time in helping with required mathematics and financial literacy.
  • Animal welfare
    South Africa has a large amount of domestic and wild animals that are at risk and not nearly enough people to protect and assist them. Speak to your local animal welfare organisation about fostering abandoned, injured or stray pets; providing exercise assistance for pets in permanent residence; or care and encouragement for ill and injured animals. Alternatively, speak to activism groups for ways in which to protect our wildlife.
  • Homeless
    South Africa has a high homeless population with little access to food, clean water, protection from the elements, mental health support and life assistance. Projects that assist the homeless battle to get enough financial and human resources to meet the needs of the community. Engage with shelters or outreach programmes to help with staffing and maintenance of temporary housing, feeding programmes, assistance and support programmes.
  • Education and skills development
    One of the most effective ways of helping people overcome poverty is by equipping them with skills that can help them feed themselves or find employment. Offer your time and knowledge to school groups, mentoring programmes, community outreach projects and skills development initiatives to make a real change in a person's life.
  • Sports and activities
    Engagement in sports and activity offers significant benefits for physical and mental wellbeing, particularly for at-risk youth. Engage in community sporting projects and activities with coaching, organising or management.
  • Mental health support
    Awareness around mental health matters has grown in recent years along with recognition of the need for increased support. Speak to outreach organisations such as the South African Depression and Anxiety Group, mental health clinics, and addiction centres and support groups for ways in which to help.
  • Assist the abused
    Gender-based violence has been termed South Africa's 'second pandemic' requiring our urgent attention. However, many of the organisations that provide accommodation, protection and assistance to the abused are understaffed. There are many opportunities available to help our most vulnerable people from offering a sympathetic ear, childcare, transport and administrative assistance.
  • Care for the ill and disabled
    Assistance and support are always required for those with a permanent disability, terminal condition, or a temporary debilitating illness. While some of these requirements may be more practical in nature – like doing the shopping for your neighbour with Covid-19, others simply require companionship, encouragement and a little entertaining distractions.
  • Clean up operations
    South Africa has many environmental concerns that require our input. From picking up rubbish on your street or local park to cleaning up our rivers and streams; and helping to clear away debris following storms or natural disasters, your options are endless.
  • Safety and security
    Crime rates will always be a concern and the responsibility cannot be left to the South African Police Service and security companies alone. Get involved in your community policing forums or offer assistance to your local police station or outreach programme.