Local is lekker-ways to support small business
Article by: Kimberly Guest
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Local is lekker: Ways to support small businesses

Keeping our small businesses going has never been more important. It is these organisations, according to McKinsey and Company,  that are the lifeblood of South Africa's economy, representing more than 98% of businesses and employing up to 60% of the workforce. They are also the most at risk, says McKinsey, as analysts predict that about 60% of SMEs may close before the Covid-19 crisis has passed.

Unsurprisingly, Covid-19 restrictions, loadshedding and the July 2021 riots have had a devastating effect on South Africa's official unemployment rate which hit 34.9% in the third quarter of 2021, while the expanded definition of unemployment – which includes those who have given up on finding a job – has risen to 46.6%. 

Choosing to buy locally has many benefits too. In addition to creating jobs, you'll find that local businesses offer better service, tend to spend most of their income in the region, and are more involved in their communities.

Give SMEs a boost

  • Spend in your area
    Before heading out to the big retail outlets, take a look at your local businesses for a surprisingly large array of fresh produce, groceries, gifts, clothing, technology, hardware, medication and more. You'll find quality products, good prices, friendly service, and a chance to build a relationship with your neighbourhood stores.  
  • Share on social media
    Find your favourite local stores on your social networks and give them a like or follow. Help them increase awareness and grow their business by posting your own reviews and taking the time to share any posts and advertisements you find interesting.
  • Ask for recommendations
    Interested in finding a local service provider, supplier or store? Ask friends, family and community groups for recommendations of people and businesses in your area. Become part of the referral network by suggesting local stores that have gone the extra mile to meet your needs.
  • Search near you
    No time to wait for referrals? Head to your favourite online search engine to find suppliers located near you.
  • Shop online
    Many small businesses have become unable to afford the costs of having a physical store and have switched to being ‘online only’ for their operations. If you see that a favourite shop has physically closed, it is worth checking if they have a virtual store. You'll also find that many of your favourite local stores also have an online presence. This is perfect if you find the risk of encountering Covid-19 too high for shopping excursions or you simply don't have the time.
  • Eat out
    In the mood to eat out? Instead of going to one of your normal chain restaurants, try one of your local dining establishments. Not only will you be introduced to different styles of food, but you'll also find they use fresher and tastier ingredients too.
  • Order in
    If heading out doesn't appeal, try the takeaway options from one of your local restaurants. And if you're worried about what lockdown has done to your waistline, you'll be satisfied with the variety of healthy options available.
  • Get on the go
    When was the last time you purchased something from an informal trader on the side of the road or at the traffic lights? Help them and their families survive with regular purchases and save yourself a trip to the store.
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