Fire pit - all 14 sizes
Article by: Kimberly Guest
Improve your home

Why your home needs a fire pit

South Africans are well-versed in the joys of gathering around a fire so it’s unsurprising that fire pits are becoming a popular feature in homes. With all the camaraderie of a braai, and without the need to cook, fire pits offer homeowners a feature around which to socialise, toast the odd marshmallow or simply relax. What’s more, they’re good for your health too.

Fire pits combine the features and intimacy of the fireplace with the versatility of the braai and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials. Typically, fire pits are positioned as focal points around which friends and family can comfortably gather.

This craze offers many practical benefits to the exterior of the home. As a source of heat, a fire pit will enable you to spend more time outdoors during the colder months; while at night, it provides soft and welcoming light. And, depending on the design chosen, your fire pit can double up as a braai. As a design feature, a good quality fire pit adds distinct style and ambience to an outdoor entertainment area.

The benefits to your health are also notable according to research. A fire pit encourages you to spend more time outdoors and in the fresh air which increases vitamin D levels and boosts your immune system. However, be sure to stay out of the path of the smoke as this can have adverse effects on your health.

Sitting around a fire has also been shown to decrease heart rate and blood pressure, relieve muscle tension and lower stress hormones. As for your mental health, spending time around a campfire can reduce depression and anxiety, while gazing into a fire can produce a meditative state which reduces stress and stimulates working memory. And when that time spent around the fire is with friends and family, you’ll find that socialisation improves your outlook on life.

Interested in getting a fire pit?

Head to the LookSee Marketplace for a fire pit assessment and quotation from experienced contractors.