Home air conditioner maintenance tips
Article by: Kimberly Guest
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Home air conditioner maintenance tips

With South Africa's hot summers, having an air conditioner in the home is a pleasure that the whole family enjoys. However, an air conditioner that is not properly maintained can lead to sky-high electricity bills for disappointing levels of cooling.

Keeping your air conditioner in good working order requires regular maintenance. Fortunately, you can do much of the maintenance yourself; although it is a good idea to have a technician come out to service the unit at least once a year. 

Keeping filters clean

Given South Africa's often dusty climate, cleaning your air conditioner filter is an essential task that should be done at least once a month when the unit is being used; and before using again after a period of no use during the cooler months. 

Dirty filters block the airflow within the air conditioner which has a significant impact on both power consumption and cooling. They can also compromise the air quality within the home which could have health consequences for your family. 

Some air conditioners contain filters that can be cleaned and reused, while others are only single-use filters and require regular replacement. Even if your filter is the type that can be reused, it will still need to be replaced from time to time due to wear and tear. Your owner’s manual will tell you whether your filters can be cleaned and how to do so. 

Vacuum your vents

While a duster can be used to keep your air conditioner vents clean, it can be time-consuming to do properly. Using your household vacuum cleaner to clean your vents is far quicker and more effective too as dust particles are sucked up and not allowed the opportunity to settle behind the vents. 

If your vents are looking grubby, try using the soft brush attachment for your vacuum to loosen built-up grime. 

Outdoor unit

Once your indoor unit has been cared for, it's time to head outdoors to check on the compressor or heat pump, depending on the type of air conditioning unit. The outdoor component of air conditioners is very often neglected, but their condition determines just how effective and efficient your unit is. 

Your first task is to make sure that the unit has a clear space on and around it, paying particular attention to any garden debris that may have piled up in front of it. Your outdoor unit should always have free space around it for optimal airflow. 

Having cleared the surrounding space, remove the outer covers of the unit to expose the fins. First, check for any bent fins and gently straighten these with a butter knife. 

Your household vacuum cleaner is a handy cleaning tool for your outdoor unit and if you have a soft brush attachment, you can use this to loosen built-up grime. If you use this attachment, be sure to follow the direction of the fins and be gentle to avoid bending any of the fins. 

Your garden hosepipe is perfect for rinsing off the fins, but be careful not to have it on a high-pressure setting that could bend the fins. Once complete, replace the outer covers. 

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