Understanding the health of your property with a home inspection
Article by: Kimberly Guest
Manage your home

Understand your property health with a home inspection

For most of us, our homes are the biggest investment we ever make. The key to protecting and increasing the value of this investment is to keep our property in good condition. Unlike our cars, however, we rarely have a specialist take a proper look at our home to assess its health.

While some property problems are obvious, many require a trained and experienced eye to identify, anticipate and understand the extent of the problem. A home inspection does just this, providing an in-depth assessment of the health of your property, alerting you of existing problems, informing you of upcoming maintenance requirements and advising you of what to expect in terms of costs.

Home inspections are common requests for buyers and sellers; however, they also have enormous value for homeowners who simply want to protect their investments.

According to the home and building inspection experts at Housecheck, a property should be assessed by an independent and suitably qualified home inspector every five years. This will help homeowners ensure their property remains in good condition as well as keep maintenance costs down by identifying problems as they emerge and before they escalate to a point where the surrounding areas are impacted, and the structural integrity compromised.

What's more, a professional home inspection can assist your insurance company to right-size your insurance policy and may even result in reduced premiums based on the good condition of your home. Additionally, you'll have peace of mind that storm-related and act of nature claims will not be repudiated due to lack of maintenance or poor property condition.

For more information on how a home inspection works and what you can expect from the report, read our guide to home inspections.   

Interested in getting a home inspection?

The LookSee Marketplace offers a professional home inspection service conducted by qualified and experienced assessors.